Thursday, May 20, 2010

No Marks Side Effects

lecture on beauty and ugliness, not only in typography

What?: lecture in English {Ths} about typography, and art dizajnie "
Who?: Thomas Schostok
Place: Design Gallery, 50-067 Wroclaw , 2-4 ul.Świdnicka
Time: Saturday, May 29, at hours. 19.00

For ths} {classical boundaries between commercialism and art are blurred, and the three areas - typography, design and art so strongly influenced each other that they can not without each other to exist. During operation {ths} is looking for beauty in imperfection. In each typeface and the project seeks to the desired state of ugliness, which makes them interesting and ultimately - paradoxically beautiful.

( and ): The Avant-Garde Gallery - exhibition continues BWA Thomas Schostoka Hail To The King, Baby! project presents Out of Sth. Curator: Beata Bartecka


Monday, May 3, 2010

Ameristar Coupon/chech

there in the top

beautiful documentary film telling the story of painters of murals. Be sure to see the end! Portions of the film is based on old, worn wall-painted advertisements in New York in the 40 'and 50'. Something beautiful.

Malcolm Murray
Music: Album Leaf)
